Sunday, October 27, 2013

Egyptian Hospital

After my initial visit to the Egyptian Hospital in September, I decided that I really wanted to do something to better the situation for the Afghan kids that visit there. Visiting the Hospital was an eye opening expereince. There are certian things you start to miss when you are deployed: the sound and sight of kids laughing and dogs running around ( I don't have a dog, but I do miss seeing them).  Its a crazy world to be surrounded by adults 24-7. So it was great to be around smiling faces of little kids. 
When we arrived, there were about 20 kids there and we knew initially that we didn't have enough for all of them to take one. We suggested to the Public Affairs Officer that we could have the kids share and  his repsonse was "No. They do not share." I chuckled thinking that the kids would most likely end up sharing.... Boy, was I WRONG! These kids were Ruthless!! Especially the girls! The girls would hide the items I would hand out to them in their head scarfs and have the nerve to look at me and say "Give me!" Some of the kids would sit on their items so their hands were always empty and ready to receive.
 I am really thankful for the donations I've received thus far from the Hanscom Troop Drive and my friends and family.
Here's a look at the goodies we've collected. BIG THANKS to the Hanscom Troop Drive for their donations! 

Capt Zaman has also been collecting items.

There's a baby (about 2 years old)  in the corner that you can't see, but her sister wasn't sharing with her at all. If I gave the baby something, I had to make sure that the sister got something as well or the older one would take it from her. Nothing like Sisterly LOVE!

The kid in the plaid button down was a charmer.. He would like me dead in the eys and  "Thank you" and then smile at me. I may have given him some extra candy.

The girl with the purple head scarf was NOT playing games when it came to the crayons. She wanted another even though I had given her one already.

The girl in the white stood up and grabbed the crayons in my hand and stared at me for a good 6 seconds. I looked at her and said "No" with a smile of course. She then let go and decided to move on to TSgt Lance.

The girl in the longer blue head scarf said "I have nothing." And as she jumped  up to say that all of the goodies she had already received fell out of her head scarf!! My jaw dropped!!!
Me and the Guys giving out the stash of goodies! It was a really great day!


We attempted a group photo. 

Us with the kiddos! It was a great day to give back.

As we handed things out, more and more kids kept showing up. Parents would come up to us and say "My son has nothing." We would try and give them things as well, but it was hard to divide things up as new kids kept appearing.
If you would like to send any items: Crayons, notebooks, pens, pencils, candy, or toys, please send them to me. I buy what I can when there are items at the BX, but in order to make this a monthly event I need the Awesome support and donations from you all back home!
DISCLAIMER: Gummy bears and Twizzlers do not make it past my office. So if you send either of those items, I doubt the kids will ever see them.... I'M JUST SAYING!!

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